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Guided tours

editor icon bagless – virtuell geführte Touren

Virtual guided tours –
Your way into every living room

Reach new target groups.

For example, elderly, immobile people who would not have access to guided tours without bagless.

Reasons for customers of guest guides:

Not enough budget for the trip

Age and/or immobility

Complex and time-consuming journey

More information before a real visit

Limited access to rooms that you cannot/may not enter in real life

Sustainability: discover the world without CO₂ emissions

Reasons for guest leaders:

Managing capacity utilisation and closing gaps

Balancing out summer-heavy business, virtual tours in winter

Less time required, more tours per day

Address new target groups and increase reach

When the tour guide is no longer mobile

Tour through the city of Oberhausen in the Ruhr region

With the tour guide Michael Weier

Begleiten Sie Gästeführer Michael Weier auf eine spannende Tour durch Oberhausen im Ruhrgebiet! Erleben Sie beeindruckende Wahrzeichen wie den Gasometer, die farbenfrohe Slinky-Brücke, die Ludwiggalerie und die idyllischen Ufer des Rhein-Herne-Kanals und der Emscher. Entdecken Sie Oberhausens Kultur und Industriekulisse hautnah!

With bagless, I have the opportunity to work from home and still provide people with my full expertise live and in dialogue.

Michael Weier

Tour guide & tour leader

Special tour: Tour through the city of Oberhausen in the Ruhr area.

Tour leader: Michael Weier

This tour has already been successfully tested in retirement homes and school classes!

Here you can take a personal tour of the city of Oberhausen.

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contact info

Olaf Fuldner
Tel. +49 201 • 72 23 -0
Mob. +49 151 • 525 942 71