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Worldwide and at any time!

Guided tours, presentations, site visits, demonstrations, meetings …

Without a physical presence, but with a lot of dedication and attention to detail, every tour is as individual, experience-orientated and human as every guided tour on site – sustainable and innovative. Expand your business to your heart’s content.

Endless possibilities for virtual presentations and demonstrations with a digital presence. No matter where you are in the world, from interactive meetings and product demonstrations to global conferences, bagless opens up new ways of collaboration and communication, unrestricted by time or space.

Here we show you a few examples:

For tour guides and
tour guides

Virtual guided tours – your way into every living room.

Managing capacity utilisation and closing gaps

Balancing out summer-heavy business, virtual tours in winter

Less time required, more tours per day

Address new target groups and increase reach

For architects, estate agents and landlords

Your PC becomes a virtual estate agent’s office – work easily from anywhere in the world.

Simple initial meeting with first visual impressions of the property

Reduce travelling costs

Save time through initial visual inspections

Conveying the most important sales arguments in a guided tour

Group tours are possible

Notification when interested parties enter the virtual room

Interested parties can also inform themselves alone

Virtual Showroms

Bringing quality to life – design your digital showroom.

Personalised customer loyalty without effort

Customised guided tours of the production facility

Presentation of the product range

Face-to-face sales talks

Demonstration opportunities to a worldwide clientele

For social applications

Connecting people through virtual social experiences – bringing people together, bridging distances.

Greater reach, accessible worldwide without physical restrictions.

Cost reduction and resource efficiency, cost savings on rent and logistics as no physical premises or infrastructure are required.

Flexibility in design and customisation, quickly and easily adaptable to changing requirements and new user needs.

Easy access – reach new target groups – easy access also enables immobile people to use social services.

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Contact info

Olaf Fuldner
Tel. +49 201 • 72 23 -0
Mob. +49 151 • 525 942 71