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social applications

editor icon bagless – virtuell geführte Touren

Connecting people through virtual social experiences

Bringing people together – bridging distances

With initiatives such as our, we create spaces for open dialogue, active listening and shared experiences. These social applications bring people together and promote authentic conversations that bridge distances and build community.

Reasons for customers of social services:

Lower inhibition threshold and flexibility:
Virtual social offerings enable participation from anywhere, without travelling physically and often without a fixed schedule.

Strengthening the sense of community:
Virtual platforms offer spaces for exchange and mutual support.

New perspectives and exchange of experiences:
People from different cultures and backgrounds, open up diverse perspectives, promote the exchange of knowledge and experiences.

Reasons for social content providers:

Greater reach
Virtual platforms enable providers to make their social applications accessible worldwide without physical restrictions.

Cost reduction and resource efficiency
As no physical premises or infrastructure are required, providers can save considerable costs for rent and logistics.

Flexibility in design and customisation
Virtual offerings can be quickly and easily adapted to changing requirements or new user needs.

Easy access
Reach new target groups – easy access also enables immobile people to use social services.

Loneliness is a growing problem in Germany

Not only older people are affected. With the Zuhör.Café, Wolfgang Weber has created a virtual place that has become a meeting point for people.

I organise regular meetings with bagless to listen, share and talk in my listening café. No matter where people are – everyone can take part.

Wolfgang Weber

Communicator, Zuhörcafé

Online meeting poin Zuhörcafé

Organiser: Wolfgang Weber

This application is already successfully in permanent operation.

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contact info

Olaf Fuldner
Tel. +49 201 • 72 23 -0
Mob. +49 151 • 525 942 71